Frat Bros vs. Native American Protestors Showdown at The University of Oklahoma

From the original Facebook post by Norman activist Casey Holcomb:

“Here are some photos of the racist fraternity members from OU’s Phi Delta Theta chapter. These young Trump supporters targeted and harassed people of color and Native American folks who attended the anti-Trump rally today.

OU’s Phi Delta Theta members singled out indigenous folks and were extremely aggressive and confrontational with protesters. The photos tell a part of the story before Norman Police came. Law enforcement let too much time pass before stepping between the aggressor fraternity members and the peaceful demonstrators.

The national Phi Delta Theta organization needs to hear about this. They should be condemning the disgusting behavior of these fraternity members and their blatant, racist targeting of the Native Americans present at today’s demonstration.”

What apparently started the incident, from collected reports, is that many protesters standing on the corner of Chautauqua and Timberdell moved off the public area to get out of the sun for a few minutes and rest under a tree. This group included many Caucasians, children, disabled persons and a handful of Native Americans. A few moments later, male members of the Phi Delta Theta fraternity charged over and told the protesters they were on “their” land, specifically pointing to the Native American protesters.

“We weren’t allowed to sit in the shade on ‘their land’ even with everyone else sitting there. Specifically Jaylen, myself, and another Native women were targeted by these frat guys,” said Native activist Jacy Santana Chapman via Facebook. [Red Dirt Report]

The Internet in the pre-game locker room when they hear a frat did something and there’s a video of it –

Let’s fucking goooooooo.

So what do we got here? We had some Native Americans protesting Trump and they hopped under this frat’s elm tree for some shade? I don’t know, I watched all 10 minutes and I don’t see what everyone is all worked up about. All I know is this picture is awesome.

Smug frat dude, loud mouth protestor talking about like water or the Dakota Pipeline or something. A guy who is definitely named Chaz or Chester or Clay standing watch in his school polo and khaki shorts and middy socks. That’s photojournalism at its finest.

Anyway I feel like if you’re going to push this out as your weekly anti-frat exhibition you need to go a lot harder in the paint. I mean these guys didn’t even haze anybody to death, just asked you to get off their lawn. You can do better, offended internet. Much better.

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